Thursday, August 24, 2006

good people everywhere...on bikes...

I have been thinking about why I ride a bike. Because one of the blogs I read asked that question. Plus I have been trying to ride a lot lately, so I have had some time to think about it. And that would certainly be one of the reasons, time alone with the voices in my head. Fitness is a given, no reason to beat a dead horse. Because a good many people can't and I like to be in the group of people who can. Also I have this whole idea of getting where I want to be of my own volition. Self reliance, no motor or batteries needed. I came batteries included and I like to keep them charged. And those are all very satisfying reasons to ride a bike. And all of them contribute. But even more it is the people I have met who ride bikes, and work on bikes, who travel by bike, who commute by bike, who bike with their own list of reasons of doing it. There are some good people on bikes in this town. They give blood, they help crazy people out of the middle of the street when people in cars fear to step into the open and do the same. They give a homeless guy water, before he turns to dust and then is not problem anyone has to think about anymore. They ride bikes for their Daughters and for their sense of hope. They watch out for the new on a bike, they watch out for the old on a bike. They bitch each other out for being stupid, for stuff like not wearing your helmet when you know you should, and they just quietly keep the bitching rolling until you figure it out, more just to let you know they care that your brain does not get scrambled. They schlep you to the ER when you bust yourself all up. They see the world because the world it right in front of them, and that is a great thing, and then because they can, because they are close enough they participate in it all, they abandon the the capsule. They take a leap of faith. These are people I enjoy knowing. I like it when they say hi or nod because they have no wind for saying hi. I like that a bike can bridge the gap between parent and child, just go ride a bike with your kid and watch the gap close right up, even if you practically kill yourself keeping up with that kid, no worries they will always wait for you and your money at the quicky mart. And even though I am slow going up the hills, I love roaring down the other side.


At 12:39 PM, Blogger DS said...

Wow! Yor inspired me to take a ride :)

At 7:26 PM, Blogger monkeygirl said...

mission accomplished. ;)

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Adrian Olivera said...

2 weeks off the bike sounds too long.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger monkeygirl said...

your confusing me, who is going to be off the bike for two weeks? You? yea that is totally too long, don't do that. I have a second so not me, Celeste is going on ahead, but me and Dewey will be rolling along, keeping it strong. Though I still monday night at the mill, for this week at least sounds good. Will there be a monday ride on labor day? There should be, even if we roll from someones house.


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