Monday, July 30, 2007

some accounting...and my confession...

first I owe a beer for last monday when I needed to bring the home computer in to work so it could undergo some major repair. Computer virus' suck!

and now my confession...
I am now injured and have been since thursday last week, when I launched myself from my bike on my wednesday commute home. I was able to get up and finish it on wednesday, but thursday was bad and so was friday, and today was too. So hopefully I am going to go home this evening and ride some to work out any remaining issues and get back to the commute tomorrow.

As part of my penance here is the confession part.
So Wednesday on the commute home, right after I came out of the viduct by the zoo, this guy zipped past with no call and no bell, that really started it because that really pisses me off. This guy was not really moving that fast though, and I caught up to him at the light on south street. He had been stopped by the traffic had his foot flat on the ground and chin on his chest deeply listening to the IPOD, yes that whole iPOD too loud thing upsets me too, but to each his own, I am just illustrating that he was not paying attention. So he is stopped but I am rolling and I am not going to need to stop. He jumps right in front of me, on my line even. This is the point where riding angry started in high doses, but it only lasted for a sec. going through the slow down S on the south side of the street, I cut it too sharp, and my front wheel left the trail, but I popped it with my arms right back up on it, just in time to look up for the rest of the correction I was going to have to make and see the pole, there was no to miss it, so I leaned and only grazed, and smacked right down on the grass there. My move was over, and that guy just kept on rolling, I think he did not hear me hit the pole, he knew I was coming, I saw him looking back at me, he knew he had pissed me off. the lovely man behind me stopped and waited till I was sure I had not broken my hip or my pelvis, dang, plus I am pretty sure in the projectile moment, that my bike seat got me in the back too.

So some of you know I suffer from HAE, it is a blood disorder of missing certain blood components, it is a little like being a hemophiliac only it is about the plasma part of the blood instead of the red or white blood cell part. The swelling was really spectacular until I got to Omaha on Thursday for a treatment.

So there is my confession, I will be going to the AA(Assholes ALLthetime) meetings more regularly, And in case you missed it I got exactly what I deserved and even though I told you that guy made me mad it was not his fault at all, I let him get to me, and I paid for it, If Corey says it includes beer so be it, he is the game master, but I am sort of hoping the injury rule will apply here. Plus I still owe for monday computer transport. Ok thats all.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger gravy said...

I'm pretty sure injuries are a valid pass on commuting.

Hope you heal up soon.

I got passed by a non-calling green bianchi on Friday. I got a little miffed but then thought, "It's Friday. I'm in no hurry." Then I laughed at the guy cuz he was wasting his energy... on a Friday afternoon.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger monkeygirl said...

usually on my commute, I am very calm, I do not know what about this day got me, but I am resolved to laugh it off next time.

At 12:39 PM, Blogger How do i get to my old stuff said...

Too funny. Your bruises are certainly impressive tho.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger KimC said...

You are more ways than one! :) Heal quick!

BTW-thanks for all of your cheering on Saturday-it was much appreciated after that big hill!

At 6:07 PM, Blogger VeloCC said...

OUCH!! I hope you heal up fast.
I would have been mad as well.

I am with Gravy, then again, those guys, haven't seen many beers out of this challenge....

You should get credit for the longer commute.

At 11:03 PM, Blogger cvo said...

injuries are a valid excuse.. you can't be held acountable

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Cornbread said...

Dang Regina. Glad you're alright. You are alright, right?

No beers owed. That's just bad luck and poor commuting etique on the others guy's behalf.

I must admit, that I wear an iPod to on my commute too. Bad idea.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger monkeygirl said...

hey I know tons of folks that wear them but keep them to a low roar this guy had his up all the way, and yep I am on the mend thanks.


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