Friday, June 29, 2007

Xia Xia's...

Tonight, Friday, June 29, 2007, 5:45 – 6:15, commuter challenge beer pay-off for driving one day last week. Sorry for the small window but then I have too take off to hit the Margarita ride to Eagle.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 one...

Lived to tell the tale again, though on thursday when there were just not too many stops I ended up sagging in. TeamFire were fun to have along, and Emory came out and rode in on Sunday, it was his longest ride to date at 62 miles. I rode home from wilbur grabbed the car to pick up the travel gear. the real end was in syracuse. Indoor camping was merciless in its heat most nights, and the showers were the coldest I have ever taken except in brownsville. But I still liked it. I like going out like that on my bike. More later.

Friday, June 15, 2007


that is a pretty big number for me here at the end of week three. And I LIKE IT! I have more bike miles but I do not count them into my commute numbers. But seriously we have to figure this whole drinking beer as a group thing because we are all turning out to be such awesome commuters that we never seem to get to the drink beer part. I was going to go for buying a round, but snob and cornbread are on the road and the rest of you guys probably will not see this, next week I will be doing the Tour De Nebraska, if you have never done that before let me just say, there is beer, and it is awesome, you just spin on your bike for miles and miles and then you get there and there are all these coolers full of refreshments, it is awesome. Oh well if you see this and you want to stop for a beer let me know we could still figure this out.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

what a beautiful day...

for a bike ride, still a beer comsumer over here. If we keep on like this we will have to change the whole beer thing to rotating through to celebrate what great commuters we are all turning out to be.

Monday, June 11, 2007

monday week 3...

And I could not really be happier about deciding to commute this summer, and that is with two rides in the rain, one a real downpour, one just a sprinkle, and two days with crazy wind gusts. I have not taken the same route every time. I have had some interesting adventures outside of the rolling metal cage, and I like it. There are a lot of people on bikes, my route passes many of them, some are not nearly so happy as I to be riding a bike, I feel bad for them. And some are out there now, because gas is just so expensive, and they have looks on their faces like they think they will be found out as pretenders, but there is no pretend to it, I always like to give them a nod, they are always sort of looking for it, and they seem glad when they get it. People are funny like that. I have also learned a lot about just riding my own path. That has been an important one to figure out too, but even when I ride alone, and conditions take a turn I always here the voices of friends in my head telling I can do it, and I can...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

holy smokes...

that was a lot of wind. I MEAN A LOT OF WIND. Oh well I was on my bike no beers from me. Were you on your bike, did you use a freebie, of course yesterday was a big day in kidville, so your lucky if you had you little ones which required your attention. mine are big and did not, and I am still saving my freebies. so to the meat of it, does anyone owe me a beer this week? Just asking. I know there is a lot of week left, just checking in.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

that was my biggest week in a while...

After my ride on Saturday to Cortland, I am right at 135 for the week. That is pretty good for me, I have been slacking, but again I am back on the wagon, today is a rest day, the only bike thing I have planned is cleaning up Dewey(thecommuter) from the rain riding last week. I had only ridden in light rain before that was new and fun. 10 miles is not so much when there is a nice shower on either side of it. I know I am lucky we have showers at work.